waste permits
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Why are waste permits the cornerstone of responsible business?

Waste permits ensure that the company that holds them complies with strict requirements for the management of such materials. At the heart of each of these is a desire to care for the environment, and obtaining one can often be problematic. However, it is worth obtaining one, as it is the foundation of responsible business. Contact about waste transport permits e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045 376 j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48...

transport of hazardous waste
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Transporting hazardous waste without a permit - why is it a bad idea?

The transport of hazardous waste can only be carried out by companies that have special permits. But what if such a document is missing? Or when a company takes a conscious risk of delivering this type of waste illegally? Contact regarding hazardous waste transport permits e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045 376 j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 500 867 153 Why transporting hazardous waste without...

waste records en
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Waste registration in Poland - key principles

Waste records are one of the most important elements of the waste management system in Poland. The obligations related to keeping records and preparing waste reports are precisely defined in the 2012 Waste Act. In this article, we will present the key deadlines, the obligations of companies and the necessary information to be collected before preparing the report. Contact for BDO registration and records...

UIT number Romania
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UIT number and carriage notification obligation in Romania - who is affected?

The Polish SENT platform is not the only solution in Europe to combat the grey market and illegal transport of so-called sensitive goods. A few years after its launch, also in Romania attention was drawn to the need to supervise the transport of products at risk of tax abuse. The platform Spațiul Privat Virtual (SPV) was established, within which the RO e-Transport system operates, fulfilling...

sent from 1 november 2024
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Changes to SENT from 1 November for non-EU companies and from 2025 also for EU companies. What do they concern?

The draft amendment of the Act on Posting of Drivers and Certain Other Acts was adopted by the Council of Ministers in the second half of August this year. The initiator of the changes was the Ministry of Infrastructure. It motivated its proposal for more effective monitoring and control of foreign carriers by strengthening the protection of Polish carriers against unfair and unequal competition from non-EU countries. A relevant amendment has already been published in the Journal of Laws,...

category 3 waste

Are UPPZ Category 3 materials waste?

In recent months, we have been asked by entrepreneurs to help them prepare a permit for category 3 waste. At other times, we have been asked about a permit for the transport of UPPZ waste. It is important to distinguish between the two, as the terms 'waste' and 'UPPZ materials' should not be put in the same line. Why? What makes them different? "Waste" category ...

From waste to energy: Tyre recycling in Poland and Europe

From waste to energy: Tyre recycling in Poland and Europe

Recycling used tyres is difficult but necessary. All the more so as, according to statistics, nearly 300 million tonnes of this waste are dumped in the EU every year. Unfortunately, only less than 13% of it is recycled. How are we doing with tyre recycling and how do we compare to other EU countries? What is tyre recycling? Recycling...

waste transport

How will the driver shortage affect waste transport?

The lack of experienced drivers capable of handling the supply chain in many industries is not a new problem. It was signalled by hauliers' organisations several years ago. At the time, attempts were made to plug the gaps by hiring drivers from across the eastern border. However, this was a temporary solution, as the problem is growing again. How will it affect (or is it already affecting) the waste industry? And what...

waste transport permit in Finland
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Waste transport permit in Finland now more valuable than before

Although Finland is getting better at recycling, it is far from Germany or the Netherlands. However, the country is investing in waste-to-energy facilities, resulting in only 1% of waste going to landfill. The demand for incineration plant materials is so high that a large part of it has to be imported from abroad. However, they can only be transported by companies with a permit for...

The role of TRACES in the transport of UPPZ materials
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The role of TRACES in the transport of UPPZ materials

The transport of animal by-products (ABPs) is an important part of the European Union economy. The movement of these products requires special precautions and compliance with strict sanitary and veterinary rules. Established in 2004, the TRACES (Trade Control and Expert System) plays a key role in monitoring and facilitating this type of transport. Not only within the European Union,...