The obligation to prepare and submit a report on the use of the environment results from the Act on the Provision of Information on the Environment of October 3, 2008 and the Environmental Protection Law Act of April 27, 2001. Such a document must be submitted regularly by enterprises in order to monitor and report their impact on the natural environment. What should you do to avoid any problems and ensure that the entire procedure goes smoothly?
Contact regarding emission reports
j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 500 867 153
Why do companies have to submit reports on their use of the environment to the Marshal's Office?
There are many reasons why it is worth submitting the so-called emission reports to the office. The most important ones include:
- Environmental protection: The key message is environmental protection and monitoring the impact of enterprises on the ecosystem. Companies provide data on emissions, raw material consumption, waste management and other aspects of their operations. This allows authorities to take action to protect the environment and improve its quality.
- Sustainability: These reports promote sustainable development by integrating economic goals with ecological concerns. They help businesses and governments identify steps to minimize negative environmental impacts. Thereby supporting economic development and the creation of new jobs.
- Compliance with regulations: The obligation to submit reports is regulated by law. Failure to comply with environmental protection regulations may result in penalties and sanctions.
- Transparency: These reports bring clarity to companies' environmental performance. They enable stakeholders, including investors, customers, the public and non-governmental organizations, to assess a company's compliance with regulations and its commitment to protecting the environment.
- Public participation: The environmental reporting process may include consultation with the public. This gives citizens the opportunity to express their opinions on planned investments and their impact on their surroundings.
- Monitoring changes: Reports allow authorities to constantly monitor changes in economic activities and their impact on the environment. This allows you to take remedial measures in response to detected problems.
- Supporting innovation: In the face of environmental protection requirements, companies are encouraged to innovate and use greener technologies and production processes.
Consequences of failing to submit a report on the use of the environment in Poland
A company that fails to submit the required report may be subject to financial fines. Its amount depends on the type of violation and the size of the company. It can range from several thousand to even several million zlotys. The regulator may also impose administrative sanctions, such as revoking or suspending a license, depending on the seriousness of the offense. It may also refuse to issue licenses for new projects.
In the event of serious violations, the company may be exposed to criminal and administrative sanctions, including both financial fines and other remedial measures. Civil penalties are also involved. Individuals or groups harmed by the failure to report may bring civil lawsuits to obtain compensation for possible damages.
A company that does not comply with environmental reporting regulations may suffer damage to its reputation, which will affect the trust of customers and investors. This will translate into financial losses and, in the worst case scenario, lead to the closure of the business.
To ensure that the report is prepared properly, it is worth entrusting its preparation to our specialists. They will analyze available information and documents, as well as advise what to improve and what to supplement. They will guide you through the entire reporting process from start to finish.