A-schild - waste transport in Germany

Just a few years ago, entrepreneurs kept waste records in paper form. However, the BDO system established in 2018 has introduced many simplifications. First of all, it made it possible to fulfill the registration obligation without having to leave the office. This saved valuable time. However, many companies still have problems with using the new system. Therefore, to avoid problems, it is recommended to entrust the records to a company that will deal with everything comprehensively.

Contact for waste registration in Poland

j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl +48 500 867 153

Registration obligation

Waste records must be kept by every entity that produces or manages waste. However, it does not have to include municipal waste or selected waste which, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Climate of December 23, 2019, was produced in an amount not exceeding a specified threshold. For example, the above-mentioned document excludes paper and cardboard packaging waste from the register (waste code 15 01 01) if the entity produced less than half a ton of them in a year. Similarly in the case of waste from plastic packaging (15 01 02) or multi-material packaging (15 01 05). The regulation lists almost 50 types of such waste.

Who does not have to keep waste records?

Records do not have to be kept by:

  • natural persons and organizational units other than entrepreneurs that use waste for their own needs
  • entities that control the land surface on which municipal sewage sludge is used for "agricultural" purposes. Provided they are exempted from the obligation to obtain a waste processing permit
  • entities conducting activities other than business activities in the field of waste management, which collect packaging waste and waste in the form of used consumer goods. This includes, among others: collecting medicines and medicine packaging by pharmacies, as well as accepting used consumer goods in stores, waste collection systems in schools, educational institutions, offices and institutions
  • entities transporting self-generated waste.

Ekologistyka24 is a solid choice for companies that need support in preparing and maintaining waste records in the BDO system. We have many years of experience and have helped hundreds of companies.

Waste management in Poland is complicated by numerous legal regulations. Ekologistyka24 knows these regulations and will help your company meet the obligations related to them.