scrap metal exports Lithuania
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Industrial development in Lithuania driving scrap exports

Industry plays a key role in the economy of the Baltic countries, acting as an engine of economic growth and a tool for building international competitiveness. In this article we will focus on analysing the development of industry in Lithuania and discuss in detail the dynamic growth of scrap exports from Lithuania to Poland. Contact on BDO or SENT: , +48 881 045 376 , +48 500 867 153...

waste shipments from Lithuania
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Waste transport from Lithuania: Why is Poland the preferred destination?

According to the Statistical Portal, citing data from the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, 56 permits were issued in 2021 for the import of waste into Poland from EU countries. Almost 15% of these were permits for Lithuanian companies. This is not insignificant, as Poland has better recycling facilities and is able to process more types of waste. Contact...

UIT number Romania
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UIT number and carriage notification obligation in Romania - who is affected?

The Polish SENT platform is not the only solution in Europe to combat the grey market and illegal transport of so-called sensitive goods. A few years after its launch, also in Romania attention was drawn to the need to supervise the transport of products at risk of tax abuse. The platform Spațiul Privat Virtual (SPV) was established, within which the RO e-Transport system operates, fulfilling...

category 3 waste

Are UPPZ Category 3 materials waste?

In recent months, we have been asked by entrepreneurs to help them prepare a permit for category 3 waste. At other times, we have been asked about a permit for the transport of UPPZ waste. It is important to distinguish between the two, as the terms 'waste' and 'UPPZ materials' should not be put in the same line. Why? What makes them different? "Waste" category ...

waste management in e-commerce
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How is waste management in Europe changing through e-commerce?

Online commerce has grown tremendously in recent times and has become extremely convenient. Unfortunately, this has its environmental consequences, especially in terms of the increase in packaging waste. What is the management of the waste produced by this industry? What challenges does it face? The growth of e-commerce in Europe has significantly changed the way consumers shop. In recent years, the...

Waste carrier - how to choose the best one?
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The best waste carrier - how to choose one?

Do you produce waste and are looking for a company to deliver it for recycling? Or are you acting on behalf of such a producer who has commissioned you to find a waste carrier? The most common selection criterion is, of course, price. But should it be the decisive factor? It often does not go hand in hand with the quality of the service provided. What should the best waste carrier have? The waste carrier a...

closed loop economy 224
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Closed loop economy - the role of waste transport

The closed-loop economy focuses on minimising waste through reuse, recycling and closing the life cycle of products. A key element of this concept is the efficient transport of waste. It allows waste to be seamlessly transformed into raw materials and put back into circulation. How else does it support it? We invite you to read the article. The circular economy - basic information...

waste management
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How does proper waste management affect a company's reputation?

In today's world, where environmental awareness plays an increasingly important role, waste management is a key element of business strategy. European companies that successfully implement green practices gain a competitive advantage, building a positive reputation and strengthening customer trust. Adequate waste management not only protects the environment, but also influences brand perception in the market, becoming an important success factor. Managing...

assistance in obtaining a waste permit
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Assistance in obtaining a waste transport permit

The transport industry does not like downtime. Decisions are made quickly, otherwise the cargo is lost. And with it a good profit. The same is true of waste transport, which is gaining in popularity. Such transports pay well because they carry a certain amount of risk. Only a company that has a waste transport permit can undertake it, because it knows how to handle it....

waste transport permit in Luxembourg

Waste transport permit in Luxembourg - what are the penalties for not having one?

Luxembourg is often overlooked when planning waste transport routes. However, when drivers decide to enter this country with waste, they are often unaware of the regulations in force there. Or perhaps they count on luck and that they will manage to sneak through unnoticed. We invite you to read an article in which we outline the consequences of such thinking and prove that a permit for...