update of data in the bdo

Updating data in BDO - why is it important in waste transport?

Every entrepreneur who transports waste in Poland must have a BDO number. However, the registration number alone is not enough to operate legally. It is crucial that the data entered in the register is up-to-date. This is because erroneous or outdated information can lead to serious consequences - from stopping the transport to heavy financial penalties. Do you need help with updating your data in BDO?...

keeping of records of waste

Keeping records of waste - the most common mistakes and how to avoid them

Keeping records of waste is a key obligation for many businesses in Poland. The complexity of regulations and dynamic changes in regulations make mistakes easy to make. Mistakes in keeping records can cost a company dearly. In this article, we present the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when keeping records of waste and advise on how to avoid them. Do you need help in keeping records of waste? e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045...

bdo fees
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New BDO fees from 2025

As of 2018, the registration fee and annual fee for entities using BDO remained the same. At that time, micro-entrepreneurs paid PLN 100, while others paid PLN 300. From 2025, these rates will increase to PLN 200 and PLN 800 respectively. Contact about registration in BDO e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045 376 j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 500 867 153 BDO fees -...