BDO system
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BDO online reporting system - guaranteeing the legality of waste shipments

Waste transport is governed by its own rules. In addition to EU rules, local regulations must be observed in each member state in order to protect oneself from serious consequences. It is no different for Poland. Even with Annex VII for cross-border transport, it will additionally be mandatory to register the carrier in the BDO system. Why is this so important? What is the BDO system and how...

waste transport permit in Finland
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Waste transport permit in Finland now more valuable than before

Although Finland is getting better at recycling, it is far from Germany or the Netherlands. However, the country is investing in waste-to-energy facilities, resulting in only 1% of waste going to landfill. The demand for incineration plant materials is so high that a large part of it has to be imported from abroad. However, they can only be transported by companies with a permit for...

Waste carrier - how to choose the best one?
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The best waste carrier - how to choose one?

Do you produce waste and are looking for a company to deliver it for recycling? Or are you acting on behalf of such a producer who has commissioned you to find a waste carrier? The most common selection criterion is, of course, price. But should it be the decisive factor? It often does not go hand in hand with the quality of the service provided. What should the best waste carrier have? The waste carrier a...

waste management
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How does proper waste management affect a company's reputation?

In today's world, where environmental awareness plays an increasingly important role, waste management is a key element of business strategy. European companies that successfully implement green practices gain a competitive advantage, building a positive reputation and strengthening customer trust. Adequate waste management not only protects the environment, but also influences brand perception in the market, becoming an important success factor. Managing...

assistance in obtaining a waste permit
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Assistance in obtaining a waste transport permit

The transport industry does not like downtime. Decisions are made quickly, otherwise the cargo is lost. And with it a good profit. The same is true of waste transport, which is gaining in popularity. Such transports pay well because they carry a certain amount of risk. Only a company that has a waste transport permit can undertake it, because it knows how to handle it....

permit to transport waste in Europe
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Permit for waste shipments in Europe - 6 reasons to get one

Refused a shipment because you didn't have the permit to transport waste in Europe that the client required? Have you watched well-paid loads disappear and regretted not investing the time and money to get the necessary permits? Or perhaps a friend who also has a business has bragged about how many kilometres he has done and how much money he has made transporting waste? Read our article...

Waste transport in Germany in the face of regulatory changes
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Waste transport in Germany in the face of regulatory changes

Germany has joined the countries that have introduced a levy on single-use plastic packaging. As in Poland, such a tax has already been in place since the beginning of this year. Although the authorities expect that the first declarations will not start coming in until the middle of next year. That is why it is so important that companies affected by this tax already collect the necessary data. How...

bdo waste transport
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How does BDO relate to the new EU waste transport rules?

On 20 May, the revised EU Regulation on transboundary movements of waste came into force. You may be wondering: "but how does this relate to our BDO?". Yes, you will still need a BDO every time you export waste. You need to ensure that the information you provide is correct and up to date. Read our article to find out what changes the EU has prepared in the context of the shipment of...

Waste transport permit in Austria

Waste transport permit in Austria - changes from 2024

On the basis of revised regulations in Austria, with the start of 2023, every waste carrier had to use a train crossing under certain conditions. In 2024, it is expected to be similar. Although the conditions mentioned will change. What remains unchanged, however, is that the waste transport permit in Austria still applies. Contact for a waste transport permit in Austria....

waste transport United Kingdom

Britain after Brexit: How has waste transport changed?

Brexit became a reality in early 2020. It has brought significant changes for many industries in the UK, one of which is the waste transport industry. In this article, we will explore how regulatory changes and new challenges have affected the way the UK deals with waste - from permitting to border procedures. Contact for...