update of data in the bdo

Updating data in BDO - why is it important in waste transport?

Every entrepreneur who transports waste in Poland must have a BDO number. However, the registration number alone is not enough to operate legally. It is crucial that the data entered in the register is up-to-date. This is because erroneous or outdated information can lead to serious consequences - from stopping the transport to heavy financial penalties. Do you need help with updating your data in BDO?...

international transport of waste
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International shipments of waste in the light of changes in EU legislation

Last December, the EU authorities announced changes to the regulations governing the management of packaging waste. As early as 11 February this year, Regulation (EU) 2025/40 will enter into force, replacing Directive 94/62/EC, which has so far regulated the handling of this waste. How will the new regulations affect the international transport of packaging waste? Contact for waste transport permits e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881...

transport of hazardous waste
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Transporting hazardous waste without a permit - why is it a bad idea?

The transport of hazardous waste can only be carried out by companies that have special permits. But what if such a document is missing? Or when a company takes a conscious risk of delivering this type of waste illegally? Contact regarding hazardous waste transport permits e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045 376 j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 500 867 153 Why transporting hazardous waste without...

sent for foreign companies
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Compulsory SENT registration for foreign companies - key information

Last year in October, we wrote about the Polish government's plans to make it mandatory for foreign transport companies to register in the SENT system. Two deadlines were set at the time. In November, registration was opened to companies from outside the European Union. At the beginning of the year, the same obligation was extended to EU-registered companies. In response to numerous enquiries, we have prepared a collection of...

waste shipments to the UK
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Waste transport to the UK in 2025 - what will change?

After Romania and Poland, the time has come for another European country to monitor the transport of waste. The UK has already been working on a system to electronically monitor the flow of these materials for two years. What was still just an idea in 2022 will materialise in April 2025, at which time a system will be put into operation in which every haulier will have to...

Schengen area Romania Bulgaria
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Bulgaria and Romania in the Schengen area from 1 January 2025. How will this affect waste transport?

For the country, joining the Schengen area means the abolition of border controls at internal borders with other Member States. This facilitates the free movement of people, goods, services and capital. For transport companies, this means less paperwork and faster deliveries. And will waste hauliers be affected by these changes when the Romanian and Bulgarian borders are opened to them from 1 January?...

waste shipments from Estonia
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Ferrous waste and scrap as one of Estonia's main export commodities

Estonia, as a dynamically developing Baltic country, plays an important role in international waste trade, including ferrous scrap. An analysis of the 2022-2023 data provides an understanding of the reasons for its exports and the main shipping destinations. Exact data on Estonia's annual ferrous scrap production in 2022-2023 are not directly available from public statistics. However, considering the ...

BDO system
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BDO online reporting system - guaranteeing the legality of waste shipments

Waste transport is governed by its own rules. In addition to EU rules, local regulations must be observed in each member state in order to protect oneself from serious consequences. It is no different for Poland. Even with Annex VII for cross-border transport, it will additionally be mandatory to register the carrier in the BDO system. Why is this so important? What is the BDO system and how...

waste transport permit in Finland
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Waste transport permit in Finland now more valuable than before

Although Finland is getting better at recycling, it is far from Germany or the Netherlands. However, the country is investing in waste-to-energy facilities, resulting in only 1% of waste going to landfill. The demand for incineration plant materials is so high that a large part of it has to be imported from abroad. However, they can only be transported by companies with a permit for...

Waste carrier - how to choose the best one?
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The best waste carrier - how to choose one?

Do you produce waste and are looking for a company to deliver it for recycling? Or are you acting on behalf of such a producer who has commissioned you to find a waste carrier? The most common selection criterion is, of course, price. But should it be the decisive factor? It often does not go hand in hand with the quality of the service provided. What should the best waste carrier have? The waste carrier a...