Running a business in another country requires the entrepreneur to learn the local legislation. In the case of Germany, under the Circular Economy Act (KrWG - Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz) of June 1, 2012, anyone who wants to transport waste for recycling must obtain appropriate authorizations. It is best to take care of this before starting to provide services. This applies to both cabotage and cross-border transport.
The regulations in place are designed to ensure complete safety and professionalism when transporting waste. Any haulier involved in the transport of such materials must comply with international and national regulations.
Applications and any additional documents required in the process of applying for a permit to move waste within Germany should be submitted electronically.
As specialists, we will help you obtain a transport permit in Germany without any problems. We speak German perfectly. We also know the regulations in force there. Obtaining a permit will not take us longer than 14 days! The permit obtained with our help is valid for an indefinite period.
Contact for waste transport permits in Germany
e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045 376
j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 500 867 153
A-schild – requirements
The KrWG Act also regulates the marking of vehicles involved in the transport of non-hazardous waste. According to it, the vehicle should have two white plates with the letter 'A' (German: Abfall - waste) prominently displayed on the front of the vehicle on the bonnet and on the trailer at the rear. They should be weatherproof. The size is to be a minimum of 40 cm wide and 30 cm high. Due to the structural differences of the individual vehicles, a reduction in the size of the plates is permissible. Transporting waste within Germany without complying with the above regulations entails sanctions for the operator. The haulier can receive a fine of €10,000 and, in the case of international transport, up to €20,000.
Transport offenses in Germany – important information
It is worth mentioning that it is completely unprofitable not to comply with current regulations in Germany. Hauliers pay severe fines for breaching international waste transport regulations. Failure to obtain a permit for such transport and operating in breach of the regulations will drain the entrepreneur's wallet by up to €100,000. A company that has failed to send in a timely declaration for the provision of services in Germany will be liable for a fine of €10,000. Penalties also apply to hauliers who do not have the required placards and entrepreneurs who outsource waste transport to unlicensed companies.