According to Eurostat data, in 2020, European Union countries generated over 2.5 billion tons of municipal waste. This is a significant amount of material to process. Not only do they have to be properly sorted and processed in order to recover valuable raw materials. Undoubtedly, their transport is also important, often involving high risk. That is why it is so important to prepare it thoroughly, not only in terms of the required documentation, but primarily in terms of the equipment of the means of transport. However, not everything can be predicted, which is why it is important to have advisory support that will help you at every stage of transport.
Need help with your waste haulage? Contact us
e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045 376
j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 500 867 153
Transport odpadów, choć nieodzowny w gospodarce odpadami, niesie ze sobą pewne ryzyko. Jednym z głównych zagrożeń są potencjalne wycieki niebezpiecznych substancji. Odpady mogą być różnorodne, od substancji neutralnych po toksyczne i niebezpieczne, dlatego ważne jest ich właściwe zabezpieczenie i pakowanie, aby uniknąć wycieków do środowiska naturalnego.
Waste transport is subject to strict regulations. They vary depending on the type of waste and the country of origin. Non-compliance with regulations may lead to legal and financial consequences. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly understand and comply with applicable regulations. Support from specialists may be necessary. They will guide you through the maze of regulations or help you in situations that have already occurred, so that the company suffers their effects as little as possible. The best choice in terms of consulting will be Ekologistyka24, which has been successfully providing its services for almost a decade.