KOBIZE was established under the Act of April 28, 2011 on the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system. It is the main body monitoring emissions and supporting efforts to protect our environment. Discover why registration in KOBIZE and regular emission reporting are the foundation of the fight against climate change.
Contact regarding registration in the KOBIZE database
j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 500 867 153
KOBIZE (National Center for Emission Balancing and Management) is an institution established in response to the urgent need to monitor and control greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants in Poland. Its history dates back to the years when the world began to become aware of the global challenges of climate change. Since then, KOBIZE has played a key role in collecting, analyzing and managing emissions data, providing an essential part of efforts to protect our environment.
Its tasks are defined by two acts:
Act of 17 July 2009 on the system for managing emissions of greenhouse gases and other substances and
Act of 12 June 2015 on the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system
Registration in KOBIZE: A step towards environmental protection
Registration in KOBIZE enables precise monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. This translates into the ability to take effective corrective actions. Thanks to this, companies can identify areas requiring improvement and actively contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment.
Emission reporting: transparency and sustainable development
Preparing emission reports is a key aspect of KOBIZE's activities. To many, this may sound like a bureaucratic procedure, but it is fundamental. Thanks to emission reports, companies can not only meet regulatory obligations, but also gain full control over their emissions. This is a step towards greater transparency, sustainable development and environmental responsibility.
Summary: why is it worth taking action?
Registration with the National Center for Emission Balancing and Management (KOBIZE) is an extremely important step for companies and organizations that want to fully meet legal obligations related to environmental protection. Thanks to KOBIZE, it is possible to monitor and accurately report greenhouse gas emissions, as well as obtain key ecological data. This is not only a manifestation of commitment to fight climate change, but also proof of care for our planet, which goes hand in hand with attention to sustainable development.