New BDO fees from 2025
As of 2018, the registration fee and annual fee for entities using BDO remained the same. At that time, micro-entrepreneurs paid PLN 100, while others paid PLN 300. From 2025, these rates will increase to PLN 200 and PLN 800 respectively.
Contact for BDO registration , +48 881 045 376 , +48 500 867 153
Charges BDO - whom do they concern?
As a reminder, the following entrepreneurs are subject to the obligation to pay the registration fee and the annual fee:

Who introduce electrical and electronic equipment and their representatives.
Introducing batteries or accumulators on the territory of Poland.

Who bring vehicles into the territory of Poland.
Manufacturer, importer and intra-Community buyer of packaging.

Introducers of packaged products on the national territory.
Introducing tyres on the national territory.

Which introduces lubricating oils into the national territory.
From 2025 the registration fee will be doubled, which will amount to PLN 200. The same fee will more than double for entrepreneurs who are not micro-entrepreneurs. They will have to reckon with a cost of PLN 800 before registration.
The same rates will apply for annual fees. As a reminder, these must be paid by 28 February 2025.
Why will the charges change?
According to the portal, 1/3 of the income from the fees in question goes to the provincial budget (marshal of the province), while the remaining 2/3 goes to the state budget. However, a change is planned. This is because in 2025 and 2026, funds from the state budget part of the BDO levy are to be direct income for the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.