waste transport
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Waste transport - the role of producers and transport companies

Successful waste management depends on several factors. One of them is the cooperation between producers and transport companies. An experienced producer should know which documents to prepare. The haulier, on the other hand, must be authorised to deliver anywhere in Europe. What else should they pay attention to, so that cooperation between them runs smoothly? Waste transport - what does a manufacturer...


SENT - key information

The transport of sensitive goods, and from February 2022 also of waste, requires notification on the SENT platform. This is a key tool in monitoring goods whose transport is high risk. What should be borne in mind before preparing the declaration? And what are the penalties for failure to do so? We invite you to read the article. What goods are subject to the SENT system? The SENT system covers goods deemed to be...

waste management in e-commerce
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How is waste management in Europe changing through e-commerce?

Online commerce has grown tremendously in recent times and has become extremely convenient. Unfortunately, this has its environmental consequences, especially in terms of the increase in packaging waste. What is the management of the waste produced by this industry? What challenges does it face? The growth of e-commerce in Europe has significantly changed the way consumers shop. In recent years, the...

closed loop economy 224
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Closed loop economy - the role of waste transport

The closed-loop economy focuses on minimising waste through reuse, recycling and closing the life cycle of products. A key element of this concept is the efficient transport of waste. It allows waste to be seamlessly transformed into raw materials and put back into circulation. How else does it support it? We invite you to read the article. The circular economy - basic information...

permit to transport waste in Europe
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Permit for waste shipments in Europe - 6 reasons to get one

Refused a shipment because you didn't have the permit to transport waste in Europe that the client required? Have you watched well-paid loads disappear and regretted not investing the time and money to get the necessary permits? Or perhaps a friend who also has a business has bragged about how many kilometres he has done and how much money he has made transporting waste? Read our article...

waste transports to Germany
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Waste transport to Germany and the new CO2 regulations

Germany's ambitious plan is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. The reference point here is 1990, referred to as the base year. At that time, around 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent released into the atmosphere were recorded. The revised Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetz is intended to help reduce emissions to around 563 million tonnes. Its provisions took effect at the beginning of the year....

bdo waste transport
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How does BDO relate to the new EU waste transport rules?

On 20 May, the revised EU Regulation on transboundary movements of waste came into force. You may be wondering: "but how does this relate to our BDO?". Yes, you will still need a BDO every time you export waste. You need to ensure that the information you provide is correct and up to date. Read our article to find out what changes the EU has prepared in the context of the shipment of...

international transport of waste
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International waste shipments in statistics

The international transport of waste in Europe has been gaining in importance recently. All thanks to large-scale efforts to reduce the amount of rubbish that ends up in landfill. New uses and methods of management are being found for it. Find out about the history of five countries in which waste transport has played an important role. How does our country compare? Regulations ...

waste transport Belgium
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Three times over: the Belgian way to transport waste

Belgium is unique in many respects, and certainly in terms of waste transport. Each of its regions - Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels - has its own rules on the subject. It is only by knowing their rules that a transport company will be able to prepare properly for waste transport. Contact us for a transport authorisation...