international transport of waste
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International shipments of waste in the light of changes in EU legislation

Już w grudniu ubiegłego roku władze Unii zapowiadały zmiany w przepisach, dotyczących gospodarowania odpadami opakowaniowymi. Już 11 lutego bieżącego roku wejdzie w życie Rozporządzenie (UE) 2025/40, które zastąpi Dyrektywę 94/62/WE, dotychczas regulującą zasady postępowania z tymi odpadami. Jak nowe przepisy wpłyną na międzynarodowy przewóz odpadów opakowaniowych? Kontakt w sprawie uzyskania pozwoleń na transport odpadów , +48…

transportation of hazardous waste
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Transport of hazardous waste - which are the most challenging?

The transport of hazardous waste is one of the most demanding tasks in logistics. It not only requires the haulier to have specialised equipment, but also to strictly comply with regulations. However, not all waste must be treated equally. Indeed, some are particularly difficult to transport due to their characteristics. In this article, we will look at waste,...

ENS declaration
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ENS declaration mandatory for waste transports from 31 January

On 31 January 2025, new rules for declaring shipments to the UK come into force. At issue is the obligation to submit an ENS (Entry Summary Declaration) for goods entering the Islands. This change has huge implications for the transport and logistics industry, affecting hauliers and exporters. In this article, we explain what an ENS declaration is, who it applies to and...

waste permits

Transport of hazardous waste: is a permit the same as notification?

The transport of hazardous waste requires strict compliance with regulations. Many companies struggle with the question: is a hazardous waste transport permit the same as a notification? Although both terms refer to the transport of such waste, they involve completely different documents and procedures. In this article, we will explain the key differences and discuss what they mean in practice. Contact for waste transport permits...

waste permits
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Why are waste permits the cornerstone of responsible business?

Waste permits ensure that the company that holds them complies with strict requirements for the management of such materials. At the heart of each of these is a desire to care for the environment, and obtaining one can often be problematic. However, it is worth obtaining one, as it is the foundation of responsible business. Contact about waste transport permits , +48 881 045 376 , +48...

international waste transport
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International waste transport - what should you watch out for?

The international transport of waste plays a key role in the European economy, enabling the efficient management and recycling of materials. Improperly implemented, it carries a number of risks that can have serious consequences for the environment, public health and the economy. In this article, we look at these risks and outline ways to avoid them. Contact for waste transport permits , +48 881 045...

registration of bdo graphics
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Entry in the BDO register - an overview of the most important changes

Entry in the BDO register is the first step for an entrepreneur who wants to deal with waste management in Poland. Regardless of whether he wants to produce, process or transport it. In each of these cases, registration is required. In addition to the right to carry out a given activity, it also entails a number of obligations. How will these change as the year 2025 begins?...

transport of hazardous waste
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Transporting hazardous waste without a permit - why is it a bad idea?

The transport of hazardous waste can only be carried out by companies that have special permits. But what if such a document is missing? Or when a company takes a conscious risk of delivering this type of waste illegally? Contact regarding hazardous waste transport permits , +48 881 045 376 , +48 500 867 153 Why transporting hazardous waste without...

sent for foreign companies
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Compulsory SENT registration for foreign companies - key information

Last year in October, we wrote about the Polish government's plans to make it mandatory for foreign transport companies to register in the SENT system. Two deadlines were set at the time. In November, registration was opened to companies from outside the European Union. At the beginning of the year, the same obligation was extended to EU-registered companies. In response to numerous enquiries, we have prepared a collection of...

the bail system in Poland
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A bail system in Poland? Yes, but only as of October 2025

Following the example of the German Pfand deposit system, a similar solution is also to be introduced in Poland. Initially, it was planned to be launched on 1 January 2025, but entrepreneurs objected, indicating that they needed more time to adapt to the new requirements. Therefore, it has been decided that the bail system in Poland will be introduced as of 1 October 2025. What are its main assumptions...?