waste transport Belgium
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Three times over: the Belgian way to transport waste

Belgium is unique in many respects, and certainly in terms of waste transport. Each of its regions - Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels - has its own rules on the subject. It is only by knowing their rules that a transport company will be able to prepare properly for waste transport. Contact us for a transport authorisation...

Assistance in obtaining permits

Assistance in obtaining permits

Have us obtain a waste transport permit in any European country and focus on running your business. We take care of all the formalities, get some waste transport decisions even within 1 working day. Check us out. We obtain permits on an express basis: A minimum of formalities and a flexible service delivery system will get you through all the procedures pleasantly and stress-free. Call us...

Carriage, transport of waste in the territory of Poland. How to obtain a waste permit or authorisation?

Carriage, transport of waste in the territory of Poland. How to obtain a waste permit or authorisation?

Waste management is a very difficult issue. Not all European countries are dealing with it adequately. Poland is unfortunately no exception. It has to deal with many problems, such as wild dumps or too much waste to be processed. A large business potential has therefore arisen for companies that would like to provide a waste transport service in Poland....

How to obtain a waste transport permit quickly and without unnecessary formalities?

How to obtain a waste transport permit quickly and without unnecessary formalities?

Any entrepreneur who undertakes waste transport must hold the necessary permits. These are valid for both national and international transport. Their absence in the event of an inspection may result in high penalties, up to several hundred thousand euros. Read on to find out how you can obtain them. Contact us about the relevant permit e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045 376...