waste transport permit Romania

Romanian revolution in waste management

In recent years, Romania has taken a huge step forward when it comes to waste management. It has transformed the sector into a modern and sustainable system. The most significant achievement is the introduction of advanced recycling technologies that have reduced the amount of waste going to landfill. However, without a booming haulage industry, such changes would have been impossible.

Waste management - a change for the better

Romanian waste management and transport legislation has undergone a major reform. It started with the introduction of Law No 211 of 2011. This law and subsequent regulations, such as Regulation 4/2012 of the Minister of the Environment, have revolutionised the waste sector. Indeed, they introduced strict requirements for the segregation, recycling and treatment of waste. The solutions adopted were crucial to improving waste management in the country. This is because they replaced outdated regulations that did not promote recycling or responsible waste disposal.

With these changes, Romania has begun to meet European standards in waste management. This has helped to increase the efficiency of their processing and reduce their negative impact on the environment.

Do you want to obtain a waste transport permit in Romania? Get in touch with us:

e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl +48 881 045 376

j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl +48 500 867 153

Waste transport in Romania - success measured in kilometres

Romania's waste shipments have gained in importance in recent years. The country has increased its exports of hazardous waste, from 1.3 million tonnes in 2010 to 1.6 million tonnes in 2021. 2021 was a record year, because taking total waste exports into account, EU member states exchanged materials totalling around 15 million tonnes.

An important part of these operations depended on efficient logistics and cooperation with specialised transport companies. This is because only such companies are able to guarantee safety and compliance with regulations both within the country and in international transport.

Waste management in Romania - key to sustainable development

Romania's success in waste management would not be possible without an efficient supply chain and a commitment to high operational standards. The complex and logistically demanding task of transporting waste places the onus on transport companies not only to know the regulations, but also to adapt to ever-changing environmental standards.

Ignorance (or disregard) of the law harms

However, should it occur to someone to ignore the requirements, they face serious consequences. Transporting waste without the relevant authorisations in Romania carries strict financial and legal penalties. According to Law No. 211/2011 on waste management, any activity involving the illegal transportation of waste is severely punished. As stated in Article 7 of this law, any infringement of waste transport regulations can result in a fine of between 20,000 and 50,000 Romanian lei (i.e. between approximately 17 - 43 thousand zlotys) for individuals and between 50,000 and 100,000 lei (43 - 86 thousand zlotys) for legal entities.

In addition, violations can lead to wider legal consequences. These include, for example, temporary or permanent suspension of waste transport activities. In cases of particularly serious violations, such as transporting hazardous waste without a permit, the penalties can be even more severe. Imprisonment is worth mentioning at this point. Romanian law enforcement authorities take each case very seriously, applying the full rigours of the law to ensure compliance and environmental protection.

Therefore, waste transport remains a challenge that only companies with the right experience and authorisation can undertake. Fortunately, Ecologistics24, which has been in business for almost a decade, offers its services in the following areas obtaining the necessary authorisations, thus assisting companies with the legal and safe transport of waste. So if your Romanian contractor has an interesting offer for you related to waste delivery, do not hesitate and call or write to us.

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