BDO system
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BDO online reporting system - guaranteeing the legality of waste shipments

Waste transport is governed by its own rules. In addition to EU rules, local regulations must be observed in each member state in order to protect oneself from serious consequences. It is no different for Poland. Even with Annex VII for cross-border transport, it will additionally be mandatory to register the carrier in the BDO system. Why is this so important?

What is the BDO online reporting system and how does it work?

The BDO online reporting system became effective in January 2020. Its main objective is to provide full control over the processes involved in the production, transport, treatment and disposal of waste. It provides a digital platform that gathers detailed information about the types of waste, their quantities and the companies responsible for managing them.

Registration in the BDO system is mandatory for a wide range of entities. In practice, this means that even small production, recycling and even transport companies (which transport construction, industrial or municipal waste, among other things) must be covered by the BDO system.

Contact for registration in the BDO system: +48 881 045 376 +48 500 867 153

BDO online reporting system - why is registration required?

Registration in the BDO online reporting system is an obligation resulting from the Waste Act of 14 December 2012. Companies that ignore it risk serious consequences, including criminal and administrative sanctions. According to the legislation, any company transporting waste must be registered in the BDO register. Failure to register is a serious breach of the law.

The requirement to register with BDO stems from the need to monitor the entire waste cycle process. This system makes it possible to follow the path of waste from its generation, through transport to its final management. This allows control authorities to quickly identify potential irregularities. This increases the effectiveness of the fight against illegal waste circulation.

Importance of the BDO online reporting system in transport

From the perspective of transport companies, registration in the BDO system is not only a formality, but also a decisive element for the legality of their activities. Any company transporting waste must be present in BDO register in order to provide its services in Poland in accordance with the law. Without this, even if it acts professionally and in accordance with other regulations it is still in breach of the law. Such an action can have far-reaching consequences.

The BDO online reporting system allows full monitoring of waste transport operations. Each transport must be documented and the data about it must be in the database. This eliminates the possibility of waste being 'lost' along the way. This is particularly important in the context of hazardous waste. This is because they require special attention and responsibility. Legitimate operation in the BDO system increases customer confidence in the company, builds its position in the market. It also provides a guarantee that it is operating in compliance with regulations.

Failure to register in the BDO online reporting system - what are the risks?

A haulier who fails to register with BDO database puts his company at serious risk. Failure to register is considered a serious breach of waste management regulations. It can result in high financial penalties ranging from PLN 5,000 to as much as PLN 1 million. Hauliers without registration with BDO may also be prevented from continuing to operate. As a result, the company will not only lose the opportunity to earn money. The trust of its clients will also suffer. This in turn will affect its image and reputation.

If a company decides to transport in spite of the lack of authorisations, it has to take a big risk. This is because it will be threatened with a fine of PLN 2,000 to PLN 10,000 for each such transport. And in the event that it operates legally, but fails to deliver waste to the indicated installation, it may cost it even PLN 100 thousand.

Polish regulations also provide for legal consequences resulting from the absence of an entry in the BDO system. Penal Code highlights what is at stake for illegal and irresponsible waste transport:

Art. 183. § 1. Whoever, contrary to the regulations (...) , transports waste or substances (...) in such conditions or in such a manner that it may endanger human life or health or cause a reduction in the quality of water, air or the earth's surface or damage to the plant or animal world, shall be subject to a penalty of imprisonment of one to ten years.

According to the aforementioned law, a company that illegally imports waste from abroad or exports it abroad can expect the same penalty.

In the case of illegal import or export of hazardous waste, the Code provides for a higher penalty of 2 to 12 years' imprisonment. A transporter who abandons hazardous waste in a place that is not suitable for its storage or treatment is also subject to the same penalty.


If a company wants to operate legally and be confident about its future, it must have a waste transport permit in Poland. This is a non-negotiable obligation.

Registration with the BDO online reporting system is not only a legal requirement. It is also a key element of operating a responsible and legal business in the waste transport sector. Companies that are present in the BDO system gain certainty that their activities are compliant. At the same time, they avoid the risk of penalties and negative financial and image consequences.

The BDO system is a guarantee of the legality and transparency of operations, which is important not only from a legal, but also from an economic point of view. Acting responsibly in accordance with the rules brings benefits in the form of greater competitiveness, customer confidence and long-term success in the market.

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