Oversize transport permits - when are they needed?
The past year has shown that demand for transport services has decreased. This has affected freight rates and caused some companies to disappear from the market. For the remaining companies, therefore, there is an excellent opportunity to compete for customers. Sometimes, however, a customer requests the transport of a load that exceeds an acceptable size. What then?
Contact for oversize transport permits
e.nadolna@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 881 045 376
j.blazewicz@ekologistyka24.pl , +48 500 867 153
When does transport become oversized?
The legislation, both the Polish one (Act of 20 June 1997) and the relevant Regulation of the Minister for Infrastructure) as well as abroad (Directive 96/53/EC) set out the standards to which the vehicles and the loads they contain must conform in order for transport to be legal and safe. Oversize transport is therefore referred to when a vehicle or a combination of vehicles and its load:
- it exceeds the standard of 16 m in overall length, is wider than 2.5 m and higher than 4 m
- its gross weight exceeds 42 tonnes (where the gross weight includes, among other things, the weight of the driver or fuel in the tanks)
Types of oversize transport permits
Transport that exceeds these standards (which is why the term 'oversize transport' is used interchangeably for it) requires the relevant authorisations. Act of 20 June 1997 distinguishes between the seven types of permit required. If a product can be split into more than one transport, a category I and II permit will be issued. On the other hand, in the case of a commodity that cannot be split into several transports without risk of damage, Category III to VII permits will be appropriate.

Source: www.e100.eu
With remote control to target
A pilot must be present when the load being transported exceeds certain dimensions or weight or requires special coordination with other road users. The following are general guidelines outlining when an escort with a pilot is usually required:
Exceeding standard dimensions
- When the width of the load exceeds 3.0 m.
- When the overall length of the vehicle or vehicle combination is greater than 20 m.
- When the height of the transport exceeds established standards, usually above 4.0 m.
Substantial exceedance of mass vehicle limits
- Where the gross vehicle weight significantly exceeds the standard limits. This may affect the manoeuvrability of the vehicle and may require additional supervision.
Route-specific conditions
- Crossing built-up areas, bridges with limited carrying capacity, narrow curves or areas with heavy traffic where additional coordination and transport security is required.
- The need to use the opposite lane or to occupy more than one lane.
Weather conditions
- Difficult atmospheric conditions, such as dense fog or heavy snowfall, may also require escort support for greater safety.
Oversize transport permits? Try outsourcing
Company Ekologistyka24 is the perfect choice for anyone looking for support in obtaining oversize transport permits. With almost 10 years of experience in the industry and an in-depth knowledge of the regulations and procedures, we provide our clients with professional advice and assistance to guide them through the entire application process. By choosing us, you can count on the efficient and effective management of all aspects related to obtaining a permit, saving you time and avoiding potential problems.