Drivers are increasingly opting for electric cars

Electric-powered vehicles offer an unparalleled number of solutions with the potential to make European transport less harmful to the environment. However, the market for electric cars (battery or hybrid) has experienced better and worse times. This has only changed in recent times.

In 2015, sales of these vehicles reached an important point, accounting for 1% of the global automotive market. At that time, sales of 145,000 units were recorded (a figure that doubled compared to the previous year.

Figures from 2016 suggest that the number of electric cars sold will continue to rise until the end of December. It is expected that well over 200,000 European drivers will switch to electric cars. In total, this will bring the number of electric cars on the roads of the Old Continent to more than half a million.

Europe is the second largest market, with a particular focus on countries such as Norway and the Netherlands. However, there is no real electric car market on the continent, guaranteeing charging infrastructure or the sale of spare parts. All of this is due to the policies of the EU Member States and the lack of facilities in the form of appropriate legal regulations. This must change if Europe is to be a leader in electric cars and be able to compete with China.

Elaborated based on

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