permit to transport waste to Luxembourg
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Small country, big opportunities: transporting waste to Luxembourg

What is the transport of waste to Luxembourg like? What waste management solutions has the country adopted and have they learned from the experiences of neighbouring France, Belgium and Germany? Find out where the success of a country with an area of more than 2,500 square kilometres that is thriving internationally in terms of importing and exporting waste lies. Find out how to obtain a permit to transport waste to or from Luxembourg.

Waste management and transport in Luxembourg

As a member of the European Union, Luxembourg complies with numerous Community regulations on waste management. One of the key pieces of legislation is Act of 21 March 2012 on waste management, which was implemented on the basis of an EU directive 2008/98/EC. This law defines the principles of waste management, promotes recycling and sets out requirements for waste transport. Since its implementation, the country has taken significant steps to raise environmental awareness among the population.

Thanks to this law, Luxembourg has become a country with a well-organised waste management system, which has had a positive impact on residents' attitudes towards environmental protection.

Contact for a permit to transport waste to/from Luxembourg: +48 881 045 376 +48 500 867 153

If you learn, only from the best

Luxembourg's location in close proximity to Germany, France and Belgium presents both a challenge and an opportunity in terms of waste management. Germany is recognised as a the leader in recyclingusing advanced technologies and segregation systems. France also places a strong emphasis on waste management, with strict regulations on waste reduction and the promotion of a closed loop economy. Belgium, on the other hand, is characterised by a well-developed recycling system packaging and municipal waste.

Luxembourg draws on the experience of its neighbours, implementing proven methods and technologies. However, the country has also developed its own solutions, such as a collection point system called SuperDrecksKëscht. It is one of the most efficient systems of its kind in Europe. As a result, Luxembourg can boast high recycling rates and waste management efficiencies that match the standards set by its neighbours.

Permit to transport waste to Luxembourg

Permit to transport waste to Luxembourg can be obtained for two types of transport: for the import and export of waste. Obtaining these is necessary to ensure compliance with national and EU regulations and to guarantee environmental safety.

This is stated in Article 30 of the aforementioned law:

Article 30 Issuance of licences:
1) Entities are obliged to obtain a ministerial permit:
a. carrying out professional collection or transport of waste

According to data from Luxembourg's Ministry of the Environment, a total of 120,000 tonnes of waste was imported into the country in 2022, while exports amounted to 95,000 tonnes.

These statistics show that Luxembourg is not only a waste treatment site, but also a significant exporter. Most of the exported waste goes to countries with well-developed treatment systems, such as Germany and Belgium. Thanks to strict regulations, Luxembourg can effectively manage the flow of waste, minimising its negative impact on the environment.

Assistance in obtaining permits for waste shipments to Luxembourg

Ecologistics24 is a reputable partner for the permitting of waste transport in Luxembourg and beyond. With over 10 years of experience and a comprehensive service, we assist clients at every stage of the registration process, from completing applications to contacting the relevant regulatory authorities. We ensure that all paperwork is dealt with efficiently and in accordance with the regulations, and that any doubts the client may have are quickly resolved.

Customers using the services Ekologistyka24 can count on full support and professionalism. We make sure that all procedures are transparent and in line with the latest regulations, allowing you to transport your waste safely and efficiently. If you have any questions, the Ecology24 team is always ready to provide expert advice.

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