bdo waste transport
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How does BDO relate to the new EU waste transport rules?

On 20 May, the revised EU Regulation on transboundary movements of waste came into force. You may be wondering: "but how does this relate to our BDO?". Yes, that every time you export waste you will still need a BDO. You must ensure that the information you provide is correct and up-to-date. Read our article to find out what changes the EU has prepared for waste shipments.

On the need to amend the rules on international waste transport has been said before. After all, we had to get a grip on the illegal shipments of waste that were popping up here and there in various parts of Europe. And we do not even have to look far, because one such story directly concerns Poland. Fortunately, the world media recently reported good news. Of the 35,000 tonnes of waste lying in our country, 20,000 are to be taken away for processing by decision of the Saxon authorities. The operation is expected to cost more than €2.5 million.

Contact for waste transport permits in Poland and other EU countries: +48 881 045 376 +48 500 867 153

This is just one example, confirming the need for regulatory change. Most are neither media-driven nor implemented on such a large scale. Therefore, they have so far escaped the attention of individual institutions responsible for controlling the flow of waste. Interestingly (but also alarmingly), in 2022 alone, 42 cases of illegal waste shipments were reported in Poland.

New regulation - new solutions

Fortunately, the aforementioned changes already started to take effect last week, from 20 May. The new EU regulation on transboundary waste shipments introduces a number of important solutions and requirements for waste transport companies. The most important of these are outlined below:

  • More accurate documentation of waste shipments: Until now, documentation could be simplified, which sometimes led to inaccuracies. Now a more detailed description of the waste, its origin and destination will be required. This change is intended to increase transparency and better control of waste shipments.
  • Strict control over waste classification: Before, waste classification could be less restrictive. The new legislation requires precise classification according to specific categories. This is to prevent the illegal transport of hazardous waste under false declarations (e.g. transport of hazardous waste as neutral).
  • Real-time monitoring of waste shipments: Until now, monitoring was mainly done through paper documentation (Annex VII for neutral waste, Annex IA and IB for hazardous waste). The new legislation makes electronic monitoring compulsory, allowing a faster response to irregularities.

These changes aim to increase control and safety in waste shipments, as well as to better protect the environment through more efficient management of waste streams.

BDO and its importance in transboundary waste shipments

BDO, or the Waste Database, is a key element of the waste management system in Poland. Registration with BDO is mandatory for companies involved in waste management in the broadest sense. Like those of the EU, waste regulations in Poland have also been transformed over the years. All in order to fit in with EU guidelines. This has just resulted in the introduction of mandatory registration in the BDO system.

It makes it possible to effectively monitor and manage waste streams within the country. In the context of their cross-border shipment, BDO becomes even more important. Registration and proper record-keeping in this register is also essential when exporting waste to other EU countries. Why? Because any transport of waste, even if only partially through our national territory, requires a permit obtained through BDO. Importantly, any registration error or lack of relevant information in the register can result in serious legal and financial consequences for the company.

Cross-border transport and the need for permits

Due to the growing importance of cross-border haulage, increasing attention must be paid to compliance with waste transport authorisation regulations. Any company that transports waste internationally must have the relevant permits in place, which comply with the latest EU regulations. Failure to comply with these formalities can lead to serious sanctions.

For example, in Germany for the transport of waste without appropriate authorisation You can be fined up to €100,000. In extreme cases, even a prison sentence. W Poland The penalties are also severe. According to the Waste Act, transporting waste without a permit can result in a fine of up to PLN 1 million and imprisonment of up to two years.

Ecology24, which has been on the market for almost a decade, specialises in helping companies obtain the necessary waste transport permits. Thanks to our experience and knowledge of the regulations, we are able to provide a comprehensive service, minimising the risk of errors and the associated consequences. Using our assistance is a guarantee of safety and compliance with current regulations.

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