Tyre recycling - everything you need to know

Tyre recycling - everything you need to know

The development of the automotive industry is increasing the demand for car accessories and tyres. The latter, once they have worn out, pose a serious environmental risk. The longer they are stored improperly, the greater. The fact that over time they can become a second home for insects and rodents is one thing, but in the event of a fire, they pose quite a challenge for firefighters who...

Krakow's bus fleet in the service of clean air

Krakow's bus fleet in the service of clean air

Even before World Youth Day, Krakow has acquired 60 new buses. They are twelve metres long and have Euro 6 engines, which will take care of Krakow's air and environment. In recent times, public transport in Krakow has often been disrupted, which could be linked to the heatwaves that hit the city. However, as we learn from a spokesman for the Municipal Enterprise...

Waste is worth its weight in gold

Waste is worth its weight in gold

Lignin, a waste product of the pulp and paper industry that has been overlooked in biofuel production, could turn out to be a key ingredient. How? Scientists have found a solution. In order to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, we must turn to biofuels (produced from plants) and chemical compounds. However, the cost-effective production of 'green' fuel from biomass is quite a challenge for scientists today....

Drivers are increasingly opting for electric cars

Drivers are increasingly opting for electric cars

Electric-powered vehicles offer an unparalleled number of solutions with the potential to make European transport less harmful to the environment. However, the market for electric cars (battery or hybrid) has experienced better and worse times. This has only changed in recent times. In 2015, sales of these vehicles reached an important point, accounting for 1% of the global automotive market. Sales were recorded at that time at...

Is China drowning in e-waste?

Is China drowning in e-waste?

China is undeniably the largest producer of electronic equipment in the world. This has its good and bad points. Especially the bad ones. Mainly because of the amount of e-waste generated in the country. There is so much of it that the recyclers there cannot keep up with processing it. However, help has come from an unexpected direction... The Chinese government itself has pledged to help entrepreneurs struggling to...

Fuel made from plastic? A revolutionary idea straight from the United States

Fuel made from plastic? A revolutionary idea straight from the United States

It is estimated that nearly 300,000 tonnes of plastic waste are floating in the oceans. Where others see a problem, two men have spotted a solution. They want to take advantage of this raw material lying in the world's oceans and turn it into fuel. Is their vision likely to become a reality? There are indications that it does. Mr James Holm and Mr Swaminathan Ramesh have decided once...

Renewable subsidies for non-renewable fuels

Renewable subsidies for non-renewable fuels

European governments continue to subsidise the extraction and exploitation of coal, oil and gas to the tune of more than €112 billion a year, despite their pledges to completely phase out support for fossil fuels by 2020. Today, a report has been released showing how much European countries and institutions have to do to fulfil their commitments. The authors of the report - Climate Action Network, Overseas Development...

First repercussions of China's waste shipment ban

First repercussions of China's waste shipment ban

After China first announced its ban on the import of waste from other countries, effective from the new year, the global recycling sector was in turmoil. Black scenarios were being drawn and problems were being predicted for the entire recycling industry. The media are already reporting the first impacts of Beijing's decision As The Guardian reports, UK recycling experts have recognised that the problem in the UK,...

Konin and the region - quo vadis?

Konin and the region - quo vadis?

Konin is founded on rapid change. This city did not exist before the war. It rose suddenly, not from ashes, but from coal. For many months, there have been disputes surrounding the planned Ościsłowo mine. However, it is worth taking a look at Konin itself - what is the city like, what do its inhabitants live by, what do they dream of, what is the young generation planning? In the last ...

Britons praise Jacek Majchrowski's activities

Britons praise Jacek Majchrowski's activities

The fact that air cleanliness in some cities in Poland leaves much to be desired has already been written about by European media, including the British Ecologist (The Ecologist). In its publication on Krakow, it points out that its mayor, Jacek Majchrowski, in contrast to his predecessors, has begun to take an interest in the city's air quality. So much so that he decided to crack down on ...